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How Ziji has Remotely helped in the healing of Bus Crash Injuries through Distance Aura Healing

Bus Crash - Aura Healing Insights Into Healing Physical and Emotional Traumas - Featured Image

YouTube version:

(click on following link to watch video if video is delayed)


Synopsis of Video


Distance Aura Healer Ziji Kaufman describes a phone healing with a client trying to heal the physical and emotional injuries from a serious Bus Crash. The client’s body intelligence communicated a fascinating metaphoric vision to aid the healing.

In this video, I describe a remote aura healing with a client trying to heal the physical and emotional injuries from a serious Bus Crash. 

Whether the person experiences broken bones, fractured ribs, cracked vertebrae, etcetera, or has severe emotional trauma from the crash, the aura healing insights from this video may give perspective regarding all the dimensions of the healing process.

One can easily imagine the physical injuries to the body that would potentially manifest from a bus crash where the bus rolled over and over, down a hill, and crashed finally into some trees in a ditch.

There were many people on this bus as well, so there are also additional injuries from people crashing into you.

The glass windows breaking, and all the other potential debris flying through the bus, of course, increase the seriousness of all the possible injuries.

Of course, the person will most likely be hospital-treated, and there will be potentially a whole range of treatment/procedures that may include multiple surgeries, bone-setting casts, assorted body-part braces, dental procedures, laceration stitches, etc. 

Clearly, a crash of this seriousness would most likely land the person in an ambulance headed to a Hospital Emergency Room, and then under the care of a Western Medical team for likely a substantial period of time.

A quick list of the most common physical injuries in this type of crash might include:

Neck injuries (whiplash), Head injury, brain injury, chest injury, leg injury, abdomen injury,

pelvis injury, Hip fractures, Back injury, spinal cord injury, vertebrae injury,

skin lacerations, Bone dislocation, internal bleeding, Muscle tears, torn ligaments,

collapsed lungs, Etc., etc, etc.

Given the clear need for Western medical interventions following an accident like this, I wouldn’t imagine a person would reach out to a remote aura healer like me until they were at least in stable condition.

Nonetheless, from my vantage point, it is important for an energy healer like myself to be able to do distance healing work (or in person) to heal the auric dimensions of whatever emergency and otherwise treatments/procedures were necessary to at least stabilize the crash victim(s). 

The 5th layer of the aura, which I refer to as the ‘Human Blueprint/Template/Container’ Layer, is from my vantage point, the most important layer to heal whenever there is any severe injury, but especially after any surgical procedure, even the most minor ones. From my vantage point, healing will never be 100 % unless the original blueprint for that particular injury/condition is healed at the Fifth Subtle Body Layer of the Aura

Here are some examples of how a crash victim’s Body Wisdom might guide me to help heal them of the physical traumas that came directly from the accident, as well as residual dimensions from the Western medical procedures/treatments necessitated to stabilize the person as well as ongoing therapies/procedures.

A person’s Body Wisdom might utilize me to make sure all 5 layers of the ‘human’ part of the aura have been healed of:

- any auric surgical cuts to these layers,

-auric holes from stitches,

-auric fibers needed to reconnect broken bones of the auric skeletal system,

-auric stitches needed to repair the auric muscles of the auric muscular system,

-auric threads needed to repair the auric lung tissue/muscles of the auric respiratory system,

-auric skin cells needed to repair the damage to the auric integumentary system,

-reconnecting the communication of body parts and organ/systems that got disrupted in the accident, like reconnecting the synapses of the auric nervous system that experienced ‘short circuits’ during the accident for example.

-And many more auric / energy field aspects of the ‘physical’ injury aspects the person suffered from the accident.

During this healing, the client’s body intelligence communicated a fascinating metaphoric vision to aid the healing process from this Bus Crash trauma.

In the vision, the metaphor of crushed-up Reynolds Wrap was shown to me to help me understand how to begin the process of working to heal my client from this accident.

My understanding of the relevance of this Reynolds Wrap metaphor was that the physical and emotional traumas of this accident were so delicate and interconnected, that I would have to unravel these traumas one by one, slowly separating each microsecond of impact

from the physical and emotional bodies. This is like having the science fiction equivalent of an internal full-body video camera that captured every microsecond of every physical and emotional aspect of the aura as it got slammed and thrown like a rag doll during this accident. Then, my part as a distance aura healer would be to access this science fiction video recording and go microsecond by microsecond to work to heal every dimension of the trauma.

To emphasize the complexity of healing the auric field of these kinds of physical impacts to the 1st layer of the aura, a person would sustain in an accident like this, even one hard impact to, let’s say the chest area, would first hit the 3 distinct layers of skin cells, then impact the nerve cells and muscle tissue underneath that, then keep reverberating to the rib cage cartilage and bone, and then on deeper to the lungs, heart, arteries, and veins connected to the lungs and heart, etc. 

The root chakra will likely be severely distorted by any injuries to the Physical (1st) Layer of the Aura. Obviously, from my vantage point, the person will also have severe grounding issues, causing feet and leg circulation problems among other related effects. This 

would also likely kick the spirit body out of the Crown Chakra, the person ‘leaving the body’

during the crash, and beyond.

Plus, as this healing video emphasizes, the 2nd layer of the aura, the Emotional Body, receives its own extremely complicated microsecond-by-microsecond traumas, including the initial shock of the accident crash, then the second-by-second terror of not knowing if you were going to live, die, or be mildly or seriously injured. One might have moments of existential crying for the possibility of leaving their loved ones, and/or burdening their loved ones with caretaking them. 

The 2nd or Sacral Chakra likely will become distorted as well, as there is a direct relationship

Between the Second Subtle Body Layer of the Aura and the front and rear Sacral Chakra.

Clearly, the 3rd layer of the Aura, the Mental Body, will be completely traumatized by the split-second terrifying thoughts going through a person’s mind while they are flying through the air about to crash into an already smashed window of the rolled-over bus. So, the mental health dimensions of a traumatic experience like this may need long-term healing from a variety of healing/therapy modalities, including my kind of remote aura-energy healing work.

Again, the related chakra to the Mental Body would be the Solar Plexus Chakra, which will

likely become distorted from all the apocalyptic thoughts flying through the mind.

The 4th layer of the Aura will likely be completely filled up with the chaos of all the people’s physical and emotional experiences as well. Thus the Heart Chakra will experience this same

chaos as it empathically picks up all the physical and emotional energies of the traumatized 

bus passengers.

Indeed, all the chakras will need chakra balancing and chakra cleansing to completely heal from this trauma. 

Finally, there needs to be a big aura cleansing of spirit entities flying through the air from all the other occupants of the bus, many of which may end up lodging themselves in your aura, potentially causing all kinds of health problems.

And on and on and….

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