3rd Layer
of the Aura
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3rd Layer of the Aura - Relationship Breakup - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: In any Relationship Breakup, both party's Mental Body Layers (the 3rd Layer of the Aura) will typically be mentally reviewing the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Relationship for some time period afterwards. In this particular healing, while other layers of my client's aura suffered more than the 3rd Layer, nonetheless the Mental Body will continue to create energy blocks where the thought ruminations tie up the auric energies, thus slowing down the healing from the Breakup.

3rd Layer of the Aura - People Communication Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My Real Estate Agent client's Mental Body (the 3rd Layer of the Aura) was filled with all kinds of nit-picky details from her communications with difficult people: the notorious home shopper! These Mental Body details have energetic WEIGHT, which weigh down on the lower aura layers, ultimately pressing down on my client's physical body Neck Muscles, causing constant pain.

3rd Layer of the Aura - Codependency - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: In this healing my client's overly controlling and codependent mother was unconsciously using her powerful and colorful auric energy to keep her daughter's mind filled with guilt about not keeping in touch enough, among other controlling head trips and mind games. This of course made my client's Mental Body, her 3rd Layer of her Aura, completely confused and knotted up, keeping her from making any decisions in her life.