4th Layer 

of the Aura








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page break4th Layer of the Aura - Relationship Breakup

4th Layer of the Aura - Relationship Breakup - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The 4th Layer of the Aura (the 'People Body' Layer), even after a Relationship Breakup, will typically still have your Ex's energies lingering there, often attached by some energetic cord or spirit entity(s). My client in this healing was feeling the loss of his Ex's 'Love Energy' for months after the breakup. Thus his 4th 'People' Layer continued to weigh down on the lower auric layers, creating lasting energetic suffering. Watch the video to understand all the different auric layers involved, as well as specific auric organs affected. page break

page break4th Layer of the Aura - People Communication Issues - Aura Healing Insights

4th Layer of the Aura - Relationship Breakup - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Communicating with difficult people, in this case homebuyers, was constantly clogging up my Real Estate Agent client's 4th Layer of the Aura, her 'People Body' layer. This led to a constant pressure on the lower layers of her aura, ultimately pressing down the Neck Muscles in her physical body.page break

page break4th Layer of the Aura - Codependency - Aura Healing Insights

4th Layer of the Aura - Codependency - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Due to an overly controlling, codependent and needy mother, my client's 'People Layer' of her Aura, the 4th Layer, was all clogged up with mommy saying, this, and mommy saying that. All this 4th layer 'chatter' was unconsciously designed to tie my client up in an energetic straight jacket so that she couldn't move away from home and make progress in her career and her relationships.page break