Third Eye


Aura Healing








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page breakThird Eye Chakra Healing - Learning Disability - Aura Healing Insights

Third Eye Chakra Healing - Learning Disability - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Due to past lifetime physical and emotional traumas, my client's Spirit Brain, along with her Third Eye Chakra, were detached from her Physical Brain and Third Eye forehead location. This detachment translated into my client having greatly delayed thought processes that had to travel about a foot from where the Spirit Brain was located until that thought information could be processed by the Physical Brain. This created a range of Learning Disabilities for my client. Watch the video to learn more about this Spirit Body Detachment break

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Third Eye Chakra Healing - Codependency - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Through unconsciously using her powerful and attractive auric energies, my client's codependent mother completely clogged up her daughter's Third Eye Chakra with energetic distortions and blockages. These 3rd Eye Chakra blocks essentially blinded my client to be able to see her way to making progress in her life. page break