How Ziji has Remotely helped in the healing of a Singer’s Throat Chakra through Distance Aura Healing
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February 28, 2025How Ziji has Remotely helped the healing of Parental Back-Heart-Chakra pressure through Distance Aura Healing
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In a healing I did with a client recently, I was initially guided
to the back of her Heart Chakra. And
I was guided to check out the back of her
Heart Chakra from all these different layers of the Aura
in back. And amazingly, what I found, and I hadn't
really experienced this quite like this phenomenon.
My hand was being sucked in to the
vertebrae where the back of the Heart Chakra enters the body.
It was really like a gravitational pull, it was really
stong. I'm like, I couldn't really resist my
hand being pulled forward. Now in front of the Heart Chakra,
I saw my client trying so hard,
and I know this about my client, my client is
incredibly competant, really brilliant,
and works really, really hard. But what I saw in this healing was...
the energy in the back of the Heart
Chakra was not...was becoming depleated.
It was basically, sort of, spilling out the front.
Cause she was trying so hard , so much, putting so much pressure on herself.
And the back of the Heart Chakra was
being sucked in as she was sort of being, you know, pulled forward,
and not really being able to be caught
by the energy in the back. So the back was being
depleted, and therefore ultimately you know,
that energy, that drive, that
perfectionism, that brilliant
get-up-and-go energy ultimately is gonna be
depleted. It's not gonna be sustainable. That person's
gonna eventually get tired. They're not gonna have
enough oxygen in the lungs, because the Heart Chakra
feeds the lungs, and the heart as well
in particular. So they're not gonna have enough oxygen.
And eventually they're just gonna get really, really tired,
and you know, potentially burnt out,
and frustrated. Their works gonna suffer, and
goodness knows, she needs that job.
And at this point I saw what felt to me
like a female, which I assume knowing a little bit about
my client, was the 'mother' energy.
And I felt like my client had
internalized the mother's pressure on her.
And I actually saw these discs at each level of the back
of the Heart Chakra. They were like, really thin, like almost like
metallic discs, and you know,
can you imagine like, metal, a metal disc pushing you from the back?
Well that's what this internalized
female, which I'm assuming was her mother, energy,
had done to her, probably over many years.
This woman's not a child anymore, but nonethless
that energy,
if it's done you know, for many, many years as a child and through
teenagehood, if the mother has back
of the Heart Chakra, intense kinda pushy,
you know, pushing energy, and the child
so obviously impressionable.
The mother kept pushing this back of the Heart Chakra energy
into the child and the teenager, and then...
and that created this incredible motivation, this
this pressure, that my particular client for the most
part, over the years, has been able to handle,
and has excelled. But as we saw in this healing
you know, there's only so much you can
do and achieve, but if the
energy's not backing you up from the back, you'll get
depleted. And that's when all kinds of problems could happen.
You'll get...you can easily get back problems, and
spine issues, and vertebrae, and now of course
lung issues are not...and the heart in here as
well. The neck. You know, all kinds of
things could happen when you're not being backed up.
In this particular case from the back of the Heart Chakra because that where
the mother had her energy pushing
herself probably, and her daughter internalized
that...those discs, those metal discs of back Heart
Chakra pressure, that caused the daughter
to be so...to use that pressure and transform it
into achievement. For another person though
you know, the same kind of mother back Heart
Chakra metallic disc pushing pressure,
another person could've easily not
you know, become somebody who achieved.
And all kinds of problems could have happened. The person
you know, could've really, you know, gone down hill.
Alcohol, drugs, who knows.
But this particular client so far, you know,
we've intervened early enough
so that we can now, and this is what happened in the healing, what happened in the healing
is, after I processed that
pressure energy in the back of the Heart Chakra, at the end of
it, the back of the Heart Chakra started
becoming more stable. Backing up.
Backing her up. Strengthening, you know the energy
in the back. Strengthening the energy coming in to
the heart and lungs. And then the pressure
from the front started stabilizing where my
client now felt more balanced. And
coming back to
the initial whiz kid that she was hired as
originally. So it's really important
you know, in general, obviously
you can't go over your limit,
you know, and in this particular case, for this particular healing,
for this particular client, it was all about
the front and back Heart Chakra coming back
to balance, to stabilize.