How Ziji has Remotely helped in the healing of a past Stillbirth through Distance Aura Healing
September 8, 2023How Ziji has Remotely helped the healing of Parental Back-Heart-Chakra pressure through Distance Aura Healing
February 4, 2025How Ziji has Remotely helped in the healing of a Singer’s Throat Chakra through Distance Aura Healing
YouTube version:
(click on following link to watch video if video is delayed)
Synopsis of Video:
So this is a healing about a woman singer
who has been having trouble recently
with throat issues, in particular hoarseness and some
pain in the throat as well. There were also signs of a sore throat,
scratchy throat, vocal strain, dry throat, raspy voice, and breathy singing.
She's got a number of singing gigs coming up, so
there’s a little bit of an urgency to healing her throat
and voice hoarseness.
What I know about this woman, is that she recently
broke up with her long time partner, and it was
not a very pretty breakup. And there was a lot of
anger, a lot of blame, and volatile fights towards the
As is my approach to distance aura healing, even
though the client Is urgently requesting healing on a
particular issue(s), in this case healing her singing voice
and throat pain, my remote energy healing approach
will tune into the client’s whole being. In this more general, guided
auric scan, I may pick up some typical common causes of vocal problems
like common cold, flu, influenza, allergies causing a cough, fever, sneezing,
swallowing pain, nasal congestion, or runny nose.
I may even pick up more serious dimensions of my client’s vocal cord
difficulties, like laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or inflammation of the tonsils,
swelling of the voice box, swelling of the larynx, strep throat,
swollen glands in the neck, swollen lymph nodes, vocal nodules,
vocal polyps, vocal cord cysts, and even vocal cord paralysis,
So when I tuned in for the distance Chakra healing, first
and foremost, I had to deal with the relationship drama
that was clouding up the higher layers of the 7 layers of
the aura, particularly the 2nd Layer of the Aura, the
Emotional Body, the third Layer of the Aura, the Mental
Body, and the Fourth Layer of the Aura, what I call the
People Body, where we store our interactions
with people.
And there was a lot of stuff in these 3 aura layers.
I was seeing you know, the arguments on the People
Layer, the 4th Layer.
Then I was seeing all of the mental thoughts processing
of the breakup, even though they were not interacting
with each other anymore. In the Mental Body there
she was still reviewing everything that happened in the
And then of course the Emotional Body, the 2nd Layer,
still has all these really deep emotions of anger,
hurt, and so much more.
So I had to deal with all of that.
My goal of course is to get to the Throat Chakra.
I know she's going to be happy when I can tell her that I
really got into the Throat Chakra, was able to open it
up, and was able to access her voice’s beautiful
But first I had to deal with all of this extra higher auric
layer stuff.
And finally, after doing a few smaller healings to calm
all the mucky relationship breakup energies down, I
was able to get inside what I call the Central Chakra
Channel which is the vertical line connecting the Crown
Chakra on the top and the Root Chakra on the bottom,
and where the in between front and back Chakras
The Root and the Crown Chakra I
consider to be one extended long Chakra
that extends through the body. The upper vortex of the
Crown Chakra and the lower vortex of the Root Chakra,
are connected. And then going up the Central Chakra
Channel beginning from the bottom Root Chakra,
you have the Sacral Chakra, front and back which
ideally should meet in the middle of the Central Chakra
Then you have the Solar Plexus Chakra also
front and back which again should meet right in the
middle of the Central Chakra Channel.
Then moving upward, you've got the Heart Chakra.
front and back, the Throat Chakra front and back, and
finally the Third Eye Chakra front and back.
So you’ve got 12 Chakras.
The Crown Chakra being number one. The Third
Eye front and back is numbers 2 and 3. The Throat
Chakra 4 and 5, the Heart Chakra 6 and 7,
Solar Plexus Chakra 8 and 9, Sacral Chakra 10 and 11,
and the Root Chakra number 12.
Of course the ancient yogic literature usually only
mention the ‘7 Primary Chakras’ or the ‘Seven Main
Chakras’, which fail to mention the back chakras.
In this case the Root Chakra is the First Chakra (also
called the 1st Chakra, Muladhara Chakra or the Red
Chakra). The front of the Sacral Chakra is the
Second Chakra (also called the 2nd Chakra, the
Svadhisthana Chakra, the Orange Chakra, the Belly
Chakra, the Navel Chakra, or the Womb Chakra),
The front of the Solar Plexus Chakra is the Third Chakra
(also called the 3rd Chakra, the Manipurac Chakra, or
the Yellow Chakra). The front of the Heart Chakra is the
Fourth Chakra (also called the 4th Chakra, the Anahata
Chakra, or the Green Chakra).
The front of the Throat Chakra is the Fifth Chakra (also
called the 5th Chakra, the Vishuddha Chakra, or the Blue
Chakra). The front of the Third Eye Chakra is the Sixth
Chakra (also called the 6th Chakra, the Ajna Chakra, or
the Indigo Chakra / Purple Chakra). And finally, the
Crown Chakra is the Seventh Chakra (also called the 7th
Chakra, the Sahasrara Chakra, or the White Chakra /
Violet Chakra).
But the back Chakras of the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart,
Throat, and Third Eye Chakras are just as important.
The Back Chakras hold the 'Will Energy' or the 'Power
Whereas for example, the front of the Heart Chakra
From my vantage point holds the 'ability to love',
the back of the Heart Chakra holds the 'energy to give
that love'.
So for example, you can have a great front Heart Chakra
ability to love, like a mother who can easily feel and
provide love for her newborn baby. But that same
mother’s back Heart Chakra might have limited
energy, such that she might be easily stressed and
short-tempered with her other kids, relatives
kids, or kids in the neighborhood.
So that's the difference in general between the front of
the Chakras and the back of the Chakras.
Now the amazing thing that I saw in this distance
Reiki healing, once I got past the higher layer cloudy
Energies; I got an incredible vision!
My client’s body intelligence gave me the vision of
the Central Chakra Channel as a Flute, Piccolo, or
In the vision, the Central Chakra Channel was hollowed-
out like a flute, piccolo, or recorder, and the Chakras
were the notes of the flute, piccolo or recorder.
And it was so beautiful and clear.
I saw the different Chakra energies in that Central
Channel co-mingling as beautiful colors!
The energies were combining into beautiful pastel
colors, like beautiful blues, sweet reds, yellows, rose,
etc. It was so beautiful.
I still had to work through a little bit of anger,
particularly in the Solar Plexus Chakra, which I consider
to be the Chakra where you connect with
people. And there was still a lot of anger that was
blocking these pure beautiful Flute energies.
And finally, when I got the Solar Plexus blocked ‘note’
of the Central Chakra Channel Flute to calm down,
all of a sudden, these beautiful multi-colored pastel
woodwind energies started collecting in the throat. And
at that point I was able to really work with the Throat
Chakra, front and back, and work with those beautiful
Collections of pastel ‘voice colors’.
When I was finally able to calm down the conversations
with her Ex, her Throat Chakra started really
A beautiful coalescing of pastel colors coming up and
down to the Throat Charka from the other Chakras.
And also coming back to people, to performing.
Coming back to opening her heart to the audience
and sharing that love.
Now the heart with the other Chakras come in to
the voice, adding to its beauty…the beauty of the voice.
So this was really sweet…and I was really grateful to be
able to witness this incredible imagery of the Central
Chakra Channel as a Flute, a Piccolo or a Recorder,
with all the Chakras being the notes.
Really, really cool stuff!
I just want to mention some of the main points I wrote
about in my Aura Coaching section for Singers.
My remote Aura Healings can help remove vocal cord
fatigue from vocal overuse. As mentioned in the
healing highlighted above, my distance Chakra Healings
can help remove the vocal blocks that occur from
difficult life circumstances, like emotionally-charged
arguments. My remote Energy healings can also help
the healing of a scratchy throat or sore throat from
over coughing from a cold, for example.
I just want to emphasize the concept of “singing colors”
as perhaps the greatest mystery behind the popularity
of one singer over another.
Most singers believe that vocal technique developed
from years of vocal training with vocal coaches who
have stellar past resumes, is what will separate one
singer from others.
While acknowledging the importance of studying with
Vocal coaches to work to master a myriad of vocal
styles and techniques, like vocal projection, vocal inflection,
I’ve discovered from studying
auric fields of countless singers in many different
musical genres, that the ‘voice colors’ that come out of
a singer’s voice ‘NATURALLY’, has the most effect on the
audiences’ pleasure and receptiveness to that singer.
As described in the above healing, the ‘colors of the
voice’ come from a constellation of light energies and
color / sound frequencies coalescing together from all
Chakras of the singer, not just singer’s Throat Chakra.
Working with my aura healings and coaching’s to
enhance your singing may give you the elusive “X-
Factor” that I feel holds the mystery that will elevate
one singer’s popularity over another.
By the way, all of the above information goes for Public Speakers
As well. The ‘auric colors’ of one’s speaking voice will likewise
be a mysterious X-factor in why one Public Speaker can ‘hold
an audience’ better than another speaker.