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Auric Nervous System - Uncontrollable Shaking - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Upon standing up to her long-time abusive father, my client's Aura Nervous System went into an Uncontrollable Shaking that lasted many days, until our healing session resolved break

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Auric Nervous System - Anger Issues - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My client's spinal Aura Nervous System became wildly out-of-balance with his physical spinal nervous system during episodes of uncontrollable and spontaneous Anger. Watch the video to realize how this Auric Nervous System can create these break

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Auric Nervous System - Leg Limp - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: This healing demonstrates the connection between a person's emotions and their Auric Nervous System. In this case, a mother's difficult connections to her son through her womb Auric Nerves, causes her Auric Leg Nerves to begin Limping.

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Auric Nervous System - Learning Disability - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: From past life physical and emotional traumas, my client's Auric Nervous System, in particular, her Spirit Brain, became disconnected from her physical Nervous System and her physical brain. I was able to discern that this past life trauma  created her Learning Disabilities in this current break