Social Anxiety










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page breakSocial Anxiety - Aura Healing Insights Into Emotions

Social Anxiety - Painfully Shy - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My client suffered from severe Social Anxiety due to being Painfully Shy. In this healing, I was able to dissolve an energetic protective barrier (which had a cocoon-like shape) which my client unconsciously wrapped around herself. Freeing my client from this energetic cocoon helped her to come back to people and to break

page breakSocial Anxiety - Mood Swings - Aura Healing Insights

Social Anxiety - Mood Swings - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My client was suffering from severe Mood Swings where she would swing between upbeat, happy, outgoing states of consciousness, and then suddenly shift into a dark, emotionally withdrawn, rejecting consciousness. In the 'down' part of her Mood Swing cycle, she would experience severe Social Anxiety. Watch the video to understand how the right-left swings of her past-traumatized back Heart Chakra created the energetic circuitry for these Mood break

page breakSocial Anxiety - Resurrecting Ancient RomanGreek Goddess Courage - Aura Healing Insights

Social Anxiety - Resurrecting Ancient Goddess Courage - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My client was experiencing sever Social Anxiety among other difficult, self-sabotaging emotions. During this healing, I was able to help her reconnect with an Ancient Greek/Roman Goddess aspect of herself which gave her the Courage to come back to life, and work to discover her purpose for this lifetime. page break