Past Lives

& Ziji's

Aura Healings






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page breakPast Lives - Learning Disability - Aura Healing Insights

Past Lives - Learning Disability - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: This healing discovered a layer in my client's aura from a Past Life where she was protesting worker exploitation during the Guilded Age in America. The company's thugs physically assaulted her and her friend. This led to imprisonment and subsequent OCD tendencies. The healing revealed that this Past Life sequence was the root cause of her current lifetime Learning break

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In this video: My client's Asthma and Digestive conditions could not be explained by any obvious causes from this current lifetime. When I tuned in for the healing, I discovered a few Martial Art Past Lifetimes where he was darkening his aura by fighting for criminal organizations. I could see during the healing that the lungs and intestines were adversely affected from this fighting.

page breakPast Lives - Choosing Same Mother - Aura Healing Insights

Past Lives - Choosing Same Mother - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Due to a past lifetime where her mother was distant and always preoccupied, my client chose this same mother in this lifetime to try to get closer to her this time around. My client got more than she bargained for, and not really in a completely positive way! Watch the video to comprehend the specific dynamics of this particular mother-daughter, multi-lifetime journey.  page break