1st Layer
of the Aura
List of Videos
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Chest Pain - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Enlarged Auric Heart - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Kidney Stones - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Asthma & Digestive Issues - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Leg Limp - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Weight Issues - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Bus Crash Injuries - Aura Healings Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Uncontrollable Shaking - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Nervous System Issues - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Spirit Brain Detachment - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Prostate Issues - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Neck Muscle Pain - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Pink Eye - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Pregnancy Issues - Aura Healing Insights
- 1st Layer of the Aura - Securing Spirit Inside Body - Aura Healing Insights
To watch videos on this topic, you can either click on the links ABOVE in the LIST OF VIDEOS, or you can SCROLL DOWN this page
1st Layer of the Aura - Chest Pain - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Due to a serious breakdown in my client's communication with her son, my client began experiencing Chest Pain on the 1st Layer of the Aura, her "Physical Body layer". The backwards chakra phenomenon involved in this Chest Pain attack is described in this video, along with important emotional dimension.
1st Layer of the Aura - Enlarged Auric Heart - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Due to a number of emotional issues, one of which was being someone who cares too much for others, my client's Heart became dangerously Enlarged on the 1st Layer of the Aura, her 'Physical Body' Layer.
1st Layer of the Aura - Kidney Stones - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My client's Spirit Kidneys as well as his whole Spirit Body were detached from his Physical Body, under which lies the energetic template of the 1st Layer of the Aura (the 'Physical Body' Layer). This Spirit Kidney detachment from his Physical Kidney's created a a situation where a number of Kidney-related conditions could develop, including Kidney Stones, which he was already diagnosed with. Watch the video to see the great metaphoric imagery his body wisdom used to guide me to help heal these kidney-related conditions.
1st Layer of the Aura - Asthma & Digestive Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: In this healing it was discovered that the root cause of my client's Asthma & Digestive Problems seemed to come from his past life as a Martial Artist. Obviously, my client's Auric Respiratory and Digestive issues had to be healed, at least partially, on the 1st Layer of his Aura, the 'Physical Body' Layer. Watch the video to comprehend all the other aspects to my client's conditions, including emotional dimensions of Martial Art fighting.
1st Layer of the Aura - Leg Limp - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Due to difficult interactions with her son, my client began Limping. The connection creating the Limping Leg came from the 1st Layer of the Aura (the 'Physical Body' Layer) as well as the belly-womb area. There was a 'mother's emotional trauma' underneath these physical symptoms.
1st Layer of the Aura - Weight Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Due to energetic blockages in the belly region of the 1st Layer of the Aura (the 'Physical Body' Layer), my client's metabolism slowed down, and the belly cells lost communication with the brain's instructions. These conditions were largely behind her long term Weight Issues. 
1st Layer of the Aura - Bus Crash Injuries - Aura Healings Insights
In this video: The auric injuries sustained in the 1st Layer of the Aura (the 'Physical Body' Layer) following a Bus Crash, are pretty much a mirror of the actual Physical Injuries to the body. In addition, any surgical procedures will have auric dimension which need to be healed in order for the healing to be complete. This video describes the complicated healing on multiple dimensions required following a trauma of this magnitude.
1st Layer of the Aura - Uncontrollable Shaking - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: After standing up to her abusive father at a family gathering, my client's 1st Layer of the Aura (her 'Physical Body' Layer) began Shaking Uncontrollably. This healing describes all the phases of how this Shaking unfolded and was resolved. 
1st Layer of the Aura - Nervous System Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My client developed Nervous System Issues, specifically Auric Nerve/Spinal Cord detachments on the 1st Layer of the Aura (his 'Physical Body' Layer) due to long term harassment from his boss at work. This healing details the passive-aggressive symptoms that evolved from this harassment.
1st Layer of the Aura - Spirit Brain Detachment - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My client was experiencing memory problems as well as other learning disabilities. During the healing I discovered a past lifetime where my client was so traumatized physically and emotionally that her Spirit Brain Detached from her physical brain on the 1st Layer of the Aura (her 'Physical Body' Layer). Reattaching the two brains required painstaking patience with microscopic detail.
1st Layer of the Aura - Prostate Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My client's Auric Prostate on the 1st Layer of the Aura (the 'Physical Body' Layer) was in pain due to being sexually starved energetically following a relationship breakup.
1st Layer of the Aura - Neck Muscle Pain - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My Real Estate Agent client's 1st Layer of the Aura continually becomes inflamed with Neck Muscle Pain, from dealing with frustrating Homebuyers. 
1st Layer of the Aura - Pink Eye - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: My client's 1st Layer of the Aura, his 'Physical Body' Layer, created a host of physical symptoms as a result
of his extreme emotional reaction to being unable to travel to a foreign country to walk his daughter down the wedding aisle.
The most severe physical symptom was Pink Eye.
1st Layer of the Aura - Pregnancy Issues - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Obviously, the 1st Layer of the Aura, the 'Physical Body Layer' is involved in every single aspect of a Pregnancy, Labor, and Post-Pregnancy Recovery.
In this particular video, the primary physical body complaint was severe intestinal cramping. The solution to resolving this cramping involved removing a layer of the client's aura that involved a Pregnancy complication 30 years earlier.
1st Layer of the Aura - Securing Spirit Inside Body - Aura Healing Insights
In this video: Due to overwhelming life traumas, including sexual molestation as a youngster, my client mistakenly undertook an unsafe Crown Chakra meditation practice which created a hole in the protective filter of his Crown Chakra. Our goal in the healing was ultimately to repair the chakra hole and Secure his Spirit Body inside his Physical Body (The 1st Layer of the Aura).