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Auric Digestive System- Martial Art Past life - Aura Healing Insights

Auric Digestive System - Martial Art Past Life - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: Due to Past Lives as a Martial Artist working for organized criminals, my client developed severe Auric Digestive System problems that couldn't be explained by any events in his current life. Watch the video to understand the correlation between 'dark intentioned' fighting, and digestive problems.

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Auric Digestive System - Liver - Alcohol Spirit Possession - Aura Healing insights

page breakIn this video: Obviously becoming an Alcoholic is going to dramatically impact the Liver and the Auric Digestive System. Watch this video to find out how my teetotalling client unwittingly picked up Possessing Alcohol Spirits and became an Alcoholic after cleaning out his deceased alcoholic father's break

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Auric Digestive System - Auric Pancreas Healing - Aura Healing insights

page breakIn this video: In this video there is a suggestion that a correlation exists between Insulin Production in the Pancreas, and the Auric suffering that the Auric Pancreas undergoes during a Relationship Breakup. It's the loss of 'Love Sugar' at the heart of this Auric Digestive System suffering. page break

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Auric Digestive System - Pregnancy Issues - Aura Healing insights

page breakIn this video: My healing client's incoming complaint was severe Intestinal Cramping. What I discovered when tuning into her Auric Digestive System, was that
this Intestinal Cramping was being caused by a trauma that occurred 30 years earlier: a Stillborn Pregnancy. page break