Parental Back Heart Chakra Pressure destructively internalized by the client - thumbnail
How Ziji has Remotely helped the healing of Parental Back-Heart-Chakra pressure through Distance Aura Healing
February 4, 2025
Parental Back Heart Chakra Pressure destructively internalized by the client - thumbnail
How Ziji has Remotely helped the healing of Parental Back-Heart-Chakra pressure through Distance Aura Healing
February 4, 2025

How Ziji Remotely helped repair a compromised Crown Chakra caused by unsafe meditation practice through Distance Aura Healing

Crown Chakra filter repair thumbnail

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This is a healing I did recently on a young man in his
early 20s. And he came to me with a,
you know, concerns about depression. He said that he's had suicidal
thoughts over the years. He mentioned that his
He mentioned that he had some sexual molestation
by an uncle over a period of years.
And so I pulled up his photos
initially and looked at his full-body photo.
And what I saw initially was...I saw
that he was pushing up...
and his spirit head was sort of pushing up into
He said...I asked him about it cause I was looking at it...sometimes I get some
really...interesting information before the healing, before
the actual silent part of the healing, I ask for the full-
body photo and a close-up photo. And I was looking at the full-body and I saw
that there was like...kind of like a hole
in his mental body Crown
Chakra filter. Like a veil. You're not
supposed to, you know gotta respect those
barriers. They're there for a reason in the chakras. Each layer of the chakra
has a filter that you have to, you know,
you can't push past that filter. You're not meant
to, unless it comes from, you know, the evolution
of you whole auric body, and there's enough energy there,
and your consciousness is prepared to...
to you know, move past that seal.
You know, in the ancient literature that talk about the 7
seals. Well there's 7 layers of the aura, and each chakra has
7 filters. Sometimes I call it a veil, or a
a boundary, you know, to keep you in your body.
It's supposed to keep you down. But he told me, and when I
asked, when I asked him about it he said: "Yea, I did a meditation
in a program a few years ago". And
you know, I asked him well, what kind of meditation it was. Cause I'm looking at
his...this little hole in the mental body of his Crown Chakra. And I'm
thinking, 'What kind of meditation was this?'. And in fact he said that
it was focused on the Crown Chakra. Focused on, you know,
connecting up, trying to connect with the Universe
through the Crown Chakra.
You know, the intention
was pure. I mean, he's trying to heal. Trying to
you know, transcend the difficult upbringing
and you know, the sexual molestation, and other
things holding him back in his life. So the intention was pure, it's great
that he was seeking a spiritual solution.
But you know, you gotta be careful what type of meditation
you choose. And so it was a
Crown Chakra meditation, and you know,
meditation, I didn't ask that many questions about it, just that I knew
it was a Crown...focusing on the Crown Chakra. But, you know, you're using your mind
to access, to visualize the Crown
Chakra, and you know, I'm not 100% sure of exactly what the
 meditation was, but my assumption was that, you know,
you're trying to go up and out, and then connect with the Universe...Cosmic Consciousness
through the Crown Chakra.   So there...
they're veils, the boundaries, you know,
the seals are there for a reason, and you know
from my experience, you have to be careful when you're meditating to
not just focus on one chakra. You know, some people focus
their meditation on the 3rd eye. Some people focus their
this a number of times. And I know it from own 30
years of doing this work, that you know, you have to have a balanced
meditation. Focus on all the chakra. And
make sure that you're focusing on being in your body,
respecting, you know, the chakras can be accessed
from inside the body. You don't have to go out, you know, to
experience the chakras. You can experience Cosmic Consciousness
enlightenment from inside the body. But, it's a process. You just
can't, you know, can't blow past these filters.
There's these seals, these barriers, they're there for a reason, as I said.
So when I went in for the healing,
in fact that's what I saw. I saw this little hole in the mental body Crown Chakra.
I put my hands there, and I also merged my own body
inside his while I'm holding the 3rd layer of his Crown Chakra.
And then a little while later I was guided to hold the bottom of his feet.
Again, I'm inside him holding the bottom of his feet and holding the 3rd layer,
that little hole in the mental body.
And to repair that filter, to repair
that seal, I'll just describe what I saw in this particular
healing. If you can imagine
a circular, perfectly woven
symmetrical spiders web, You know, like a weaving.
But really it really had the strands that looked like as
delicate as a spiders web, but in fact they were like electrical
wires. And when I put my hand there,
I started feeling those electrical sparks, and
you know, that micro electrical circuits going through my hand.
And my goal at that point, you know, is
is to tune in, talk to his body intelligence,
and work with his body intelligence to...and really, really
was like weaving a spiders web, except
I'm weaving with the help of his body intelligence
new electrical wires in that grid to
to complete that symmetrical weaving, that grid,
the circular seal. So I think we did
pretty good in the first healing, I mean
in the 90 percentile range of looking pretty sealed.
So then I cleared myself and then I went back for the second healing. This time I was guided
to go all the way out to the 5th layer Crown Chakra.
Again I merged my whole body. The 5th layer I call the template
or the blueprint layer. Or sometimes I call it the human container
layer. This is from my system, you know I haven't
really read this anywhere. This what I've discovered over 30
something years, that the 5th layer
really holds all the information that's
inside this lifetime. Which also includes everything you came
into this lifetime with from past lives. All those traumas as well.
So, and the thing that I know, is that you have to heal
the blueprint layer, the template layer, on the 5th layer
in order for things underneath it to eventually be healed. So that was good,
I was glad that his body wisdom took out to the 5th layer to check how's
the Crown Chakra doing on the 5th layer. And
it looked pretty good. There was a little bit of compromise. It was a little bit
of permeability, but nothing like the
mental body, that actually had a compromised breakage
in the seal, in the filter. So
that was good. I was glad to see that because sometimes,
And I've seen this before. And this gets really dangerous. And I'm lucky...
I feel like my client is lucky that
he stopped. He stopped when you know, there was some kind of
problem in the mental body crown chakra, because if he
kept pushing out to the 5th layer, and broke the 5th layer seal
of the Crown Chakra, that would have exposed him to the 6th layer
to the...what I call the lower astral plane, where
who are still hovering around the Earth. Some not so
together. You could have some pretty dark
spirits. Not everything is dark in the 6th layer,
but they're definitely, depending on your own consciousness, you know, if
there's darkness, and compromised dimensions,
ethical dimensions, and certain traumas in certain parts of the
body, and then you break the seal in the 5th layer,
who, you know, who can resonate with some of
your own darkness in your own consciousness. But if you had a..a good
consciousness, chances are, you know, maybe not
you know, enlightened beings, but beings that were much more
normal hanging around the spirit plane, might start
communicating with you.
So as I said, the 5th layer looked pretty good, know what happens when the
layer says, you know, OK...A-OK, what happens
is automatically my hand will drop to the lower layer. So that tells me that
the 5th layer Crown Chakra was good. It dropped me down
to the mental body Crown Chakra, which also now
looked much better, even than the first healing.
And then I cleared myself and I went back for a third healing, and now
I worked to make sure that my
client's spirit body was inside the body, and I put my hand on
the 1st layer of the aura Crown Chakra, you know, as a...
you know, as a barrier to his spirit body. Which seemed to be
you know, pushing up. It reminded me of...
it reminded me of astronauts in...
in, you know, in space, because he was sort of...
he was sort of floating, floating up. Like no gravity
inside, if you think of his body as a space capsule,
and his spirit body sort of floating inside the space capsule,
he was trying to push up into his Crown Chakra. But
because we had sealed, to a large degree, the 3rd layer,
and also verified it on the 5th, now it...
it was really holding very nicely in the 1st layer of the Crown Chakra.
But his spirit body now was trying to push up.
So at that point, I kind of...
I kind of understood, you know, why. I mean, it's kind of obvious
really why he was trying to push up. He was trying to create an escape
hatch. You know, like an eject button
that a fighter pilot would use. He was trying to create an escape hatch to
escape, you know, this really difficult life. This really traumatic
childhood, and sexual abuse, and struggle with career,
and all of that. So it made sense, but you know,
he found his way to me, maybe he'll find his
way to other healers, now that we've, you know, hopefully
sealed him inside the body, even though he's trying to float up.
But now what I saw basically was like all of the...
the things he was trying to escape from. And it was like
a huge...I called it like a forest of...
of trauma. You know, clusters of trauma that you couldn't
even focus on it. It was just was, you know, you couldn't
see any individual trees in the forest, you couldn't any individual traumas
in the trauma forest. And so
you know, obviously there's a reason why he was trying to get up and out
of his body. But hopefully now
you know, now that it's sealed. Now that there's actually not
a hole here, where he actually, you know, was...
was actually succeeding at some level of getting out of the escape
hatch, but if he got to the 5th layer, that would've been a
real problem, you know. All kinds of problems could happen if you compromise
the 5th layer Crown Chakra. Or any chakra on the 5th layer.
If you break that seal, you're opening yourself up to
the lower astral plane. And could be very, very, very
dangerous. So anyway that's
my clients task now, you know, is to...
is to heal...go on a long healing
journey, and heal this trauma forest. And
slowly but surely get more comfortable inside the body.
Now hopefully there's some sense that
he's stable inside that body, he's not floating out. And he
could now in some kind of therapy, or different kind
of healing work, maybe he can keep working
with me, but either way,
he's on a better journey that he was when he first started. So...

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