2nd Layer 

of the Aura








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2nd Layer of the Aura - Mood Swings - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: In this healing, I was able to discover the root cause(s) of my clients up and down Mood Swings. Clearly her Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) was involved with the swings, as well as the back of her heart chakra. Watch the video to understand the auric energetics of the emotional body.page break

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Painfully Shy - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The structure of the 2nd Layer of the Aura (the 'Emotional Body' Layer) that my client created around herself to hide from the world due to being Painfully Shy, looked very similar to a cocoon. This energetic layer did indeed protect her, but it also kept her from living a full life. Watch the video to understand all the interesting dynamics of this 'cocoon' healing.page break

page break2nd Layer of the Aura - fear and paranoia - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Fears & Paranoia - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The Emotional Body (2nd Layer of the Aura) trauma that my client suffered from parental neglect as a young child, turned into an ongoing emotional complex of Fear and Paranoia regarding what other people were thinking about her, among other social anxiety concerns. The way these Fears and Paranoia showed up in my client's auric field is very revealing in showing how people can hide these neurotic emotions deep in the aura so that the outside world doesn't see or feel them.page break

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Anger Issues - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Due to years of workplace harassment from his boss, my client's Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) was expressing itself in a somewhat unpredictable and explosive passive-aggressive manner. Although he was able to control his Anger Issues at work for fear of losing his job, outside of work, the Anger energies would unpredictably explode during situations that didn't warrant this kind of response. Watch the video to understand the auric nervous system and spinal cord dynamics involved in these random Angry explosions.page break

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Relationship Breakup - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: Following a Relationship Breakup, my client suffered severe Emotional Body (2nd Layer of the Aura) energetic withdrawal which caused a number of physical symptoms, including the auric Pancreas. Watch the video to better understand how the withdrawal of 'Love Energy' impacts the auric body.page break

page break2nd Layer of the Aura - Weight Issues- Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Weight Issues - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The impact of the Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) on my client's inability to conquer her Weight Issues, showed itself in this healing as energetic blockages in and around the belly region. This healing involved working with the sacral chakra on the 1st and 2nd layers of the Aura to unblock the energies slowing down my client's metabolism. Watch the video to understand more about the brain-belly communication needed for healthy fat burning and weight management. page break

page break2nd Layer of the Aura - Mother and Son conflict - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Mother & Son Conflict - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: Due to a property dispute between my client, an elderly mother, and her somewhat estranged son, , my client's Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) in the belly-womb region became traumatized. This impacted auric nerve connections, which created serious physical symptoms, like causing her to start limping. This healing underscores the interpenetration of the emotional and physical bodies,  in this case occurring as a result of a Mother and Son Conflict.

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2nd Layer of the Aura -Caring Too Much - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Caring Too Much - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: As a result of my client Caring Too Much for all the people in her life, her auric heart became dangerously enlarged. This healing involved working with her Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) as well as the amazing metaphorical imagery her body wisdom gave me to help her auric heart regain control over her body's auric organs and systems. Watch the video to understand the musical imagery her body wisdom guided me to use to help her heart condition(s).

page break2nd Layer of the Aura - Standing Up To Abusive Parent - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Standing Up To Abusive Parent - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My client was uncontrollably shaking for 4 days straight after Standing Up To Her Abusive Father at a family gathering.
This Emotional Body (2nd Layer of the Aura) recoil of her auric nervous system came after she broke through years of intimidation and suppression of her power. page break

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Tough Love to Motivate Son - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Tough Love To Motivate Son - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: My client's son had a virtual emotional breakdown after she applied Motherly Tough Love to Motivate him in his life. The Emotional Body (2nd Layer of the Aura) response of my client's aura to her son's breakdown, was equally severe, creating chest pains and other physical symptoms, fueled by a dangerous backwards-spinning chakra.

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Emotional Trauma From Bus Crash - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Emotional Trauma From Bus Crash - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: During the healing on a client who had suffered tremendously from being in a Bus Crash, her body wisdom revealed all the multitude dimensions that needed healing, including her Emotional Body (2nd Layer of the Aura). From her own existential fears as she was flying through the overturned bus, to absorbing the energies of all the other passengers experiencing similar Emotional Trauma from the Crash. To heal all these layers, her body wisdom gave me a powerful metaphoric image to begin unravelling all these layers.

page break2nd Layer of the Aura -Neck Muscle Pain - Aura Healing Insights

2nd Layer of the Aura - Neck Muscle Pain - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: My Real Estate Agent client's Emotional Body (the 2nd Layer of the Aura) was constantly being upset by frustrating interactions with potential homebuyers. This Emotional Body tension created a downward pressure on my client's 1st layer of the aura, her Physical Body layer. This emotional pressure translated to physical Neck Muscle Pain.page break
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2nd Layer of the Aura - Pink Eye - Aura Healing Insights 1

2nd Layer of the Aura - Pink Eye - Aura Healing Insights

In this video: Due to his extreme emotional response to being unable to attend his daughter's wedding in a foreign country,
my client's 2nd Layer of the Aura (his 'Emotional Body' Layer) created a number of physical symptoms, including Pink Eye.

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Codependency - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The hypnotic codependent auric field that my client's mother was unconsciously using to 'tether' her daughter to her, was filling my client's 2nd layer of the aura with very strong emotional attachment energies. These emotional body 'tethers' had both love for her mother, as well as an intuitive dread that her mother was never going to let her succeed in her life's goals.page break

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2nd Layer of the Aura - Pregnancy Issues - Aura Healing Insights

page breakIn this video: The deep emotional dimensions of any Pregnancy, delivery, and recovery get recorded and stored in the layers of the 'Emotional Body', the 2nd Layer of the Aura. In this particular video, my client had the additional emotional trauma of having to recover from a Stillborn Pregnancy. Her Postpartum Depression (PPD) lasted for months and was exacerbated by not having sufficient emotional support.page break